Framework Extensibility

This article summarizes the current possibilities of the framework extension, provides a list of customizations that are not achievable now but are planned to be enabled soon, as well as a list of customizations that are not (and will not be) possible at all.

What is achievable easily

What is achievable with additional effort

Which issues are going to be addressed soon

  • Extending data fixtures (including performance data fixtures)
  • Extending data grids in the administration
  • Extending all forms in the administration without the need of the template overriding
  • Extending classes like Repositories without the need for changing the project-base tests

What is not supported

  • Removing an attribute from a framework entity
  • Changing a data type of an entity attribute
  • Removing existing entities and features
  • Extending the Money class and closely related classes (eg. MoneyType)

Examples of implemented features on the Demoshop repository