How to Set Up Domains and Locales (Languages)

This article describes how to work with domains and languages during the development of your project. For an explanation of the basic terms, please read domain, multidomain and multilanguage article first.


Demo data on the Shopsys Framework contains data only in en and cs locales

Settings and working with domains

1. How to create a single domain application

1.1 Domain configuration

Modify the configuration of the domain in app/config/domains.yml. This configuration file contains information about the domain ID, the domain identifier for the domain tabs in the administration, and the domain locale.

1.2 Set up the url address

Set the url address for the domain in app/config/domains_urls.yml.

1.3 Set up the application as "singledomain"

Modify the value of the parameter is-multidomain in build.xml to false. Based on this parameter, smoke and functional tests are run for a single domain, or multiple domains, respectively.

1.4 Locale settings

Set up the locale of the domain according to the instructions in the section Locale settings

1.5 Build

Start the build, for example using a phing target

php phing build-demo-dev


In this step you were using Phing target build-demo-dev.
More information about what Phing targets are and how they work can be found in Console Commands for Application Management (Phing Targets)


During the execution of build-demo-dev phing target, there will be installed 3-rd party software as dependencies of Shopsys Framework by composer and npm with licenses that are described in document Open Source License Acknowledgements and Third-Party Copyrights

After the build is completed, a singledomain application is created.

1.6 Tests

Some tests are prepared for the configuration with the first domain with en locale. For example Tests\ShopBundle\Functional\Twig\PriceExtensionTest is expecting the specific format of displayed currency. If you want to use already created tests for your specific configuration, you may need to modify these tests to be able to test your specific configuration of the domain.

2. How to add a new domain

2.1 Domain configuration

Modify the configuration of the domain in app/config/domains.yml. This configuration file contains pieces of information about the domain ID, the domain identifier for the domain tabs in the administration, and the domain locale.

2.2 Set up the url address

Set the url address for the domain in app/config/domains_urls.yml.


When you add a domain with the new url address on the MacOS platform, you need to enable this url address also in the network interface, see Installation Using Docker for MacOS

2.3 Set up the application as "multidomain"

Modify the value of the parameter is-multidomain in build.xml to true (this is the default value). Based on this parameter, smoke and functional tests are run for a single domain, or multiple domains, respectively.

2.4 Locale settings

Set up the locale of the domain according to the instructions in the section Locale settings

2.5 Create multidomains data

There need to be created some multidomain data for the newly added domain. Run the phing target

php phing domains-data-create

This command performs multiple actions:

  • multidomain attributes from the first domain are copied for this new domain, see FrameworkBundle/Component/Domain/DomainDataCreator.php, where the TEMPLATE_DOMAIN_ID constant is defined.
  • if a new locale is set for the newly added domain, the empty rows with this new locale will be created for multilang attributes
  • pricing group with the name Default is created for every new domain
  • the last step of this command is the start of automatic recalculations of prices, availabilities, and products visibilities.

2.6 Multilang attributes

Demo data of Shopsys Framework are prepared only for en and cs locales. This means that if you are using a different locale, these multilang attributes will be empty for this new locale even after the installation of demo data.

2.7 Generate assets for the new domain

In order to properly display the new domain, assets need to be generated

php phing grunt

2.8. Create elasticsearch definition for the new domain

The configuration for elasticsearch must be created for each domain in a separate json file. By default, the configurations for the domain 1 and 2 are already parts of a project-base. Configuration for elasticsearch can be found in src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/Resources/definition/. If you add a new domain, you need to create an elasticsearch configuration for this new domain.

After you create the configuration, you have to create the index in elasticsearch and fill it by products

php phing product-search-recreate-structure
php phing product-search-export-products

3. Locale settings

Some parts of these instructions are already prepared for the locales en and cs.

3.1 Set up the locale for domain

Set up the locale of the domain in app/config/domains.yml. This configuration file contains pieces of information about the domain ID, the domain identifier for the domain tabs in the administration, and the domain locale.

3.2 Frontend routes

Create a file with the frontend routes for the added locale if this file is not already created for this locale. Create this file in the directory src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/config/ with the name routing_front_xx.yml where xx replace for the code of added locale.

3.3 Translations and messages

In order to correctly display the labels like Registration, Cart, ..., create a file with translations of messages in src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/translations/. Override the Phing property translations.dump.locales in the build.xml and set a space-separated list of locales you want to dump. For example, if you want to add xx to the locales, add <property name="translations.dump.locales" value="cs en xx"/> to your build.xml.

Then run

php phing translations-dump

There will be created files for translations of messages for the new locale in src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/translations/.

For more information about translations, see the separate article.

3.4 Generate database functions for the locale use

Within the database functions, it is necessary to regenerate the default database functions for the locale use that are already created for the en locale as default. Regenerate database functions by running a phing target

php phing domains-db-functions-create

3.5 Multilang attributes

Demo data of Shopsys Framework are prepared only for en and cs locales. This means that if you are using a different locale, these multilang attributes will be empty for this new locale even after the installation of demo data.

3.6 Locale in administration

Administration is by default in en locale. This means that for example product list in administration tries to display translations of product names in en locale. If you want to switch it to the another locale, set a parameter shopsys.admin_locale in your parameters_common.yml configuration to desired locale. However, the selected locale has to be one of registered domains locale. When you change admin locale, you have to update acceptance tests, to have administration use cases tested properly.

You can change administration translations by adding messages into your src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.xx.po.

3.7 Sorting in different locales

Alphabetical sorting on frontend uses Elasticsearch and its ICU analysis plugin.
Every domain needs to have language parameter for field name.keyword in src/Shopsys/ShopBundle/Resources/definition/product/*.json set in order to sort correctly for given locale.

An example for domain that uses English language:

"name": {
    "type": "text",
    "analyzer": "stemming",
    "fields": {
        "keyword": {
            "type": "icu_collation_keyword",
            "language": "en",
            "index": false

4. Change the url address for an existing domain

4.1 Change the url address

Change the url address in the configuration of the domain in app/config/domains_urls.yml.


When you add a domain with the new url address on the MacOS platform, you need to enable this url address also in the network interface, see Installation Using Docker for MacOS

4.2 Replace the old url address

Run the phing target

php phing domains-urls-replace

Running this command will ensure replacing all occurrences of the old url address in the text attributes in the database with the new url address.

5. Change the locale for an existing domain

This scenario is not supported by default because of the fact, that change of the locale within an already running eshop almost never happens. However, there is workaround even for this scenario.

Change the locale to the locale that is already used by another domain

If you need to change the locale of a specific domain to another locale that is already used by another domain, just set the required locale for this domain in the app/config/domains.yml.

Change the locale to the locale that is not yet used by another domain

If you need to change the locale of a specific domain to another locale that is not yet already used by another domain, add new temporary domain with this new locale and follow the instructions of How to add a new domain. The following procedure is the same as in the case with Change the locale to the locale that is already used by another domain.

6. Change domains appearance

If you need to distinguish your domains visually, see Creating a Multidomain Design cookbook.