Extending Form From Plugin

Sometimes, your plugin needs some extra information to be included in an entity. For example, you need to track the weight of products. This can be solved by extending the entity CRUD model with your custom sub-form.

To do so you should implement PluginCrudExtensionInterface and tag the service in a DI container with shopsys.crud_extension tag. The tag should have a type attribute defining which CRUD model should be extended (e.g., "product").

Each form extension has its label, form type and methods for managing the form data.

For more information about working with plugins, you can see shopsys/plugin-interface repository.


As an example usage, we will use HeurekaProductCrudExtension.

First, you must add your form type you want to show in administration. (e.g., product-feed-heureka/src/Form/HeurekaProductFormType.php)


class HeurekaProductFormType extends AbstractType


     * @param \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface $builder
     * @param array $options
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add('cpc', MultidomainType::class, [
            'label' => $this->translator->trans('Maximum price per click'),
            'entry_type' => MoneyType::class,
            'required' => false,
            'entry_options' => [
                'currency' => 'CZK',
                'constraints' => [
                    new MoneyRange([
                        'min' => Money::zero(),
                        'max' => Money::create(500),


Then, you need to add the CRUD extension. In our example, it's product-feed-heureka/src/Form/HeurekaProductCrudExtension.php. Here, you need to add methods for handling data and methods getFormTypeClass to set what form should be used and getFormLabel so the form can have a fitting label.


class HeurekaProductCrudExtension implements PluginCrudExtensionInterface


     * @return string
    public function getFormTypeClass()
        return HeurekaProductFormType::class;

     * @return string
    public function getFormLabel()
        return $this->translator->trans('Heureka.cz product feed');

     * @param int $productId
     * @return array
    public function getData($productId)
        $heurekaProductDomains = $this->heurekaProductDomainFacade->findByProductId($productId);

        $pluginData = [
            'cpc' => [],
        foreach ($heurekaProductDomains as $heurekaProductDomain) {
            $pluginData['cpc'][$heurekaProductDomain->getDomainId()] = $heurekaProductDomain->getCpc();
        return $pluginData;

     * @param int $productId
     * @param array $data
    public function saveData($productId, $data)
        $heurekaProductDomainsData = [];
        if (array_key_exists('cpc', $data)) {
            foreach ($data['cpc'] as $domainId => $cpc) {
                $heurekaProductDomainData = $this->heurekaProductDomainDataFactory->create();
                $heurekaProductDomainData->domainId = $domainId;
                $heurekaProductDomainData->cpc = $cpc;

                $heurekaProductDomainsData[] = $heurekaProductDomainData;
        $this->heurekaProductDomainFacade->saveHeurekaProductDomainsForProductId($productId, $heurekaProductDomainsData);

     * @param int $productId
    public function removeData($productId)

Then you need to add configuration to services.yaml in our example product-feed-heureka/src/Resources/services.yaml.


            - { name: shopsys.crud_extension, type: product }

And then you should see the sub-form in its place: CRUD extension example