Application Configuration

The application is configurable by Symfony configuration files or via environment variables which allows you to overwrite them.

Configuration parameters

For operating Shopsys Framework it is needed to have correctly set connections to external services via ENV variables.


All default values use default ports for all external services like PostgreSQL database, elasticsearch, redis, ...


Host values can be modified or can be aliased for your Operating System via /etc/hosts or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Environment variables are really handy to configure the right setting in the desired application environment. You may want to set some settings in a different way (such as production, test, or CI servers). Setting environment variables depends on environment of your application.


To improve performance you can optionally run composer dump-env. See Symfony documentation for further information.


Name Default Description
DATABASE_HOST 'postgres' access data of your PostgreSQL database
DATABASE_NAME 'shopsys' ...
DATABASE_USER 'root' ...
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST 'elasticsearch:9200' host of your Elasticsearch, you can use multiple hosts like '["elasticsearch:9200", "elasticsearch2:9200"]'
REDIS_HOST 'redis' host of your Redis storage (credentials are not supported right now)
REDIS_PREFIX '' separates more projects that use the same redis service
MAILER_DELIVERY_WHITELIST '/@shopsys\.com$/' regex text items if you want to have master email but allow sending to specific addresses (set as text separated by comma for multiple values)
MAILER_DSN smtp://smtp-server:25 set to null://null if you don't want to send any emails, see
MAILER_MASTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS '' set if you want to send all emails to one address (useful for development)
APP_SECRET 'ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt' randomly generated secret token
ELASTIC_SEARCH_INDEX_PREFIX '' separates more projects that use the same elasticsearch service
IGNORE_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD_CHECK '0' set to true if you want to allow administrators to log in with default credentials
OVERWRITE_DOMAIN_URL 'http://webserver:8080' overwrites URL of all domains for acceptance testing (set to ~ to disable)
SELENIUM_SERVER_HOST 'selenium-server' with native installation the selenium server is on localhost
SHOPSYS_CONTENT_DIR_NAME 'content-test' web/content-test/ directory is used instead of web/content/ during the tests
TRUSTED_PROXIES '' proxies that are trusted to pass traffic, used mainly for production (set as text separated by comma for multiple values)

Google Cloud Bundle

These variables are specific for shopsys/google-cloud-bundle

Name Default Description
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID '' defines Google Cloud Project ID
GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME '' defines Bucket Name in Google CLoud Storage