Domain, Multidomain, Multilanguage

During the development with Shopsys Platform, it is possible to meet concepts - domain, multidomain, multilanguage. This document explains what these terms mean.

How to work with them during the development of your project is described in the How to set up domains and locales article.


Domain can be understood as one instance of eshop data. For example, just furniture can be bough on the domain while only electronics can be found on the domain It is still one application with one product catalog. Access to these individual domains is provided through individual url addresses. All domains share one common administration.

Multidomain attribute

A distinct value of this attribute can be set for each domain. An example of a multidomain attribute is a default pricing group for not logged customer. This pricing group can be different for each domain. An example of a not multidomain attribute is an EAN on the product. This attribute is the same for each domain. Please read more about implementation of multidomain attributes in domain entities.

Multilanguage attribute

A distinct value of this attribute can be set for each locale. An example of a multilanguage attribute is a name of the product. An example of a not multilanguage attribute is an EAN of the product. Please read more about implementation of multilanguage attributes in translation entities.

Difference between multidomain and multilanguage attribute

A value of some multilanguage attribute will be the same for each domain with the same locale. For example, when a name of the product is set as A4tech mouse for the locale en , this name of this product will be the same for each domain with the locale en. While multidomain attribute can be set to different values for different domains regardless of the locale of the domain. For example SEO headline of a product can be A4tech mouse on first domain and A4tech mouse for professionals on second domain.

It might be unclear whether an attribute is multidomain or multilanguage when filling data objects. The decision matters because multidomain attributes are indexed by domain ID and multilanguage attributes are indexed by locale as is described in data for multidomain or multilanguage fields.

If you are not sure, we suggest to take a look into an appropriate entity (whether there is an array of EntityDomain or EntityTranslation objects in a given field), form type (whether there is LocalizedType or MultidomainType used for a given field) or into administration (whether there are locale flags or domain icons for a given field).