GTM Objects¶
These objects are used all across the GTM module to represent various objects mapped according to what the data layer requires.
The object representing user consent for tracking of different third-party services. It contains boolean properties seznam, google, and heureka to indicate if the user has consented to tracking by these services.
export type GtmReviewConsentsType = {
seznam: boolean; // boolean pointer saying if the user has consented to Seznam tracking
google: boolean; // boolean pointer saying if the user has consented to Google tracking
heureka: boolean; // boolean pointer saying if the user has consented to Heureka tracking
Interface representing basic information about a web page.
export type GtmPageInfoInterface<
PageType = GtmPageType,
ExtendedPageProperties = object
> = ExtendedPageProperties & {
type: PageType; // type of the page, can be GtmPageType.category_detail or GtmPageType.seo_category_detail, GtmPageType.blog_article_detail or GtmPageType.brand_detail
pageId: string; // unique identifier of the page
breadcrumbs: BreadcrumbFragment[]; // breadcrumbs to the current page
Object representing additional information about a web page that displays a category or subcategory. Extends the GtmPageInfoInterface.
export type GtmCategoryDetailPageInfoType = GtmPageInfoInterface<
GtmPageType.category_detail | GtmPageType.seo_category_detail, // type of the page, can be either GtmPageType.category_detail or GtmPageType.seo_category_detail
category: string[]; // array of strings representing the category hierarchy of the page
categoryId: number[]; // array of category IDs representing the category hierarchy of the page
The object represents additional information about a web page that displays a blog article. Extends the GtmPageInfoInterface.
export type GtmBlogArticleDetailPageInfoType = GtmPageInfoInterface<
GtmPageType.blog_article_detail, // type of the page, should always be GtmPageType.blog_article_detail
articleId: number; // unique identifier of the blog article
The object represents additional information about a web page that displays a brand or manufacturer. Extends the GtmPageInfoInterface.
export type GtmBrandDetailPageInfoType = GtmPageInfoInterface<
GtmPageType.brand_detail, // type of the page, should always be GtmPageType.brand_detail
brandId: number; // unique identifier of the brand
The union type represents all possible types of web pages. It can be either GtmCategoryDetailPageInfoType, GtmBlogArticleDetailPageInfoType, GtmBrandDetailPageInfoType, or GtmPageInfoInterface.
export type GtmPageInfoType =
| GtmCategoryDetailPageInfoType // page information for category detail or SEO category detail pages
| GtmBlogArticleDetailPageInfoType // page information for blog article detail pages
| GtmBrandDetailPageInfoType // page information for brand detail pages
| GtmPageInfoInterface; // basic page information without additional properties
Object representing information about a user's cart.
export type GtmCartInfoType = {
abandonedCartUrl: string | undefined; // URL of the cart which can be used for recovery of an abandoned cart, optional
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // total value of the cart without VAT
valueWithVat: number; // total value of the cart with VAT
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // array of products in the cart, if available
promoCodes?: string[]; // array of promo codes applied to the cart, optional
The Object represents information about a user.
export type GtmUserInfoType = {
id?: string; // ID of the user, optional
email?: string; // email of the user, optional
emailHash?: string; // SHA256 hashed email of the user, optional
firstName?: string; // first name of the user, optional
lastName?: string; // last name of the user, optional
telephone?: string; // telephone number of the user, optional
street?: string; // street address of the user, optional
city?: string; // city of the user, optional
postcode?: string; // postal code of the user, optional
country?: string; // country of the user, optional
type?: GtmUserType; // type of the user (e.g. B2B or B2C), optional
status: GtmUserStatus; // status of the user (e.g. visitor or customer)
group?: string; // group of the user, optional
The object represents a user's consent for tracking in different categories.
export type GtmConsentInfoType = {
statistics: GtmConsent; // user consent status for statistics tracking
marketing: GtmConsent; // user consent status for marketing tracking
preferences: GtmConsent; // user consent status for preference tracking
The interface represents information about a product. It is extended for specific cases of products, such as listed products or cart items.
export type GtmProductInterface = {
id: number; // product ID
name: string; // product name
availability: string; // product availability status
flags: string[]; // array of product flags
priceWithoutVat: number; // product price without VAT
priceWithVat: number; // product price with VAT
vatAmount: number; // VAT amount
sku: string; // product catalog number
url: string; // product URL
brand: string; // product brand name
categories: string[]; // array of product categories
imageUrl?: string; // optional product image URL
Type that extends GtmProductInterface and adds an optional listIndex property, which represents the index of the product in a list (such as search results).
export type GtmListedProductType = GtmProductInterface & {
listIndex?: number; // index of the product in a list (e.g., search results)
Type that extends GtmListedProductType and adds a required quantity property, representing the product quantity in the cart. GtmListedProductType, as described above, extends GtmProductInterface and adds an optional listIndex property. Therefore, GtmCartItemType includes all properties defined in GtmProductInterface, GtmListedProductType, and adds the quantity property.
export type GtmCartItemType = GtmListedProductType & {
quantity: number; // product quantity in the cart
Type that represents extra transport details.
export type GtmShippingInfoType = {
transportDetail: string; // transport method details
transportExtra: string[]; // array of extra transport details