How to Work with Products

In the context of the products, there are several concepts on the Shopsys Platform that can not be understood at first sight. The article describes this concepts more in detail.

Groups of products - "listable", "sellable", "offered", "visible"

Products can be grouped into several groups according to their current status or according to what they are used for.

Visible - products with an attribute ProductVisibility->visible set to the value TRUE for specific domain and pricing group.

The conditions which the product must satisfy to appear as visible:

  • the product must not be set as hidden
  • if the attribute "selling start date" is filled in, the value of this attribute must be set to the date in the past
  • if the attribute "selling end date" is filled in, the value of this attribute must be set to the future date
  • the product must have a name for the specific locale
  • if the product is a variant, there must exist calculated price for this variant and for the specific pricing group
  • if the product is a variant, its main variant must not be set as hidden
  • if the product is the main variant, at least one of its variants must be visible

Offered - products that satisfied the conditions for visible and at the same time they have an attribute Product->calculatedSellingDenied set to the value FALSE.
The calculatedSellingDenied attribute shows whether the product is already sold out or if the product is a variant with the main variant that is set up with selling denied on TRUE.

Listable - products that satisfied the conditions for offered and at the same time, these products are not the variants.
Only the main variants are included in the product lists.

Sellable - products that satisfied the conditions for offered and at the same time, these products are not the main variants.
Sellable products are products that can actually be purchased. Only the standard products or the specific variants can actually be purchased.

How calculated attributes work?

Some attributes that are used on the Shopsys Platform are not set directly, but their value is automatically calculated based on other attributes. For example, if a category of products does not have a name for a locale of the specific domain, this category will be automatically set as not visible on this domain. The recalculations of these special attributes can be initialized as immediate or scheduled:

immediate - recalculation is initialized when the event kernel.response is caught.
See a class Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Pricing\ProductPriceRecalculator and a method onKernelResponse.

scheduled - recalculation is initialized later.
A product or a category of products can be marked for scheduled recalculation, the recalculation itself is initialized with a cron module, see a class Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Command\RecalculationsCommand.

For example, a method edit of a class Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\ProductFacade calls a method scheduleProductForImmediateRecalculation of a class Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Availability\ProductAvailabilityRecalculationScheduler. The product is marked for immediate recalculation of availability by this request. The recalculation itself is initialized when the event kernel.response is caught by a method onKernelResponse. It means that the product does not have recalculated availability immediately after the method edit is completed. This approach with kernel.response event is a legacy feature and it will be removed in the future, see Recalculating products availability and prices immediately instead of on finish request.