Model Rules

In this article you will learn about model rules, what is and what is not model, and how to correctly create and insert new functionality into existing directory architecture.

Hierarchy nesting

All classes related to the model are nested in the Model namespace inside the bundle namespace. In your ecommerce project based on Shopsys Platform, you should put your classes inside App\Model\<MODEL> (this namespace will be used below). Core model classes of Shopsys Platform can be found in Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\<MODEL>.

They can also be nested into deeper directory such as App\Model\Product\Search if it encapsulate group of classes representing some specific functionality, for example search functionality for a Product entity.


  • Classes inside the model are grouped into model namespaces.
    For example, if you want to add a new functionality that works with product, your class should be created in App\Model\Product.
  • Main parts of a model such as Facade or Repository are grouped by a model they are responsible for, not by their type.
    Eg. classes Product, ProductRepository and ProductFacade should all be inside the App\Model\Product namespace together.
  • All exceptions in a model should be in in a App\<MODEL>\Exception namespace and they should implement a common interface using the Marker Interface Pattern, eg. ProductException.
  • All DQL and SQL operations related to a model should be in a model repository.
  • Integration code is not a part of the model.
    For example, forms or controllers should be outside the Model namespace.
  • A model can be dependent on a component but not vice versa, this rule comes from definition of a Component.

What is and what is not a model

Model is a system of abstractions that describes selected aspect of a domain.

That means that everything in a model should be related to some functionality of the domain, in our case, ecommerce. An exception to this is integration code such as controllers or forms which are not a part of the model.

If you are creating new functionality that could be used, for example, in a portfolio application, like a navigation panel, you should create it as a component. You can read more about components in Components.

Everything else that is related to our domain should be created into corresponding model namespace or create a new model namespace.

Exceptions to rules

Some concepts in our current model do not follow the rules listed above.

Models that will be moved

  • AdminNavigation - will be moved to components
  • AdvancedSearch - will be moved to components
  • Breadcrumb - will be moved to components
  • ContactForm - will be moved to components
  • Cookies - will be moved under the Article model since it is closely related to articles
  • Grids - grids are located in Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\<MODEL>\Grid namespaces, these will be moved to a separate Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Grid namespace (similarly to forms)
  • Mail - will be moved to components
  • Module - will be moved to components
  • Sitemap - will be moved to components
  • Localization - will be moved to components
  • LegalConditions - will be moved under the Article model since it is closely related to articles
  • Seo - will be moved to components
  • Slider - will be moved to components
  • Statistics - will be moved to components

Model without persisted entity representation

Some models do not have a persisted entity that represents a model. For example one of them is Feed, even though it does not have a entity, it is related to the ecommerce domain and because of that we keep it in the model namespace.

Models without a persisted entity:

  • Feed
  • Heureka
  • ShopInfo


This provider serves for the framework to know which entities are domain entities. Since this class is closely related to the model, it is placed there.