Releasing a new version of Shopsys Platform

For releasing a new version of Shopsys Platform, we are leveraging monorepo:release command.

All the source codes and configuration of our release process can be found in the utils/releaser folder located in the monorepo's root.

Each step of the release process is defined as an implementation of \Shopsys\Releaser\ReleaseWorker\AbstractShopsysReleaseWorker, therefore, we refer to the step definitions as to "release workers".


The whole release process is divided into 3 stages that are run separately:

  1. release-candidate
    • steps that are done before the release candidate branch is sent to code review and testing
    • the release workers are defined in src/ReleaseWorker/ReleaseCandidate folder
  2. release
    • steps that are done during the actual release
    • the release workers are defined in src/ReleaseWorker/Release folder
  3. after-release
    • steps that are done after the release
    • the release workers are defined in src/ReleaseWorker/AfterRelease folder

Release command


Before you start releasing, you need to mount your .gitconfig to php-fpm docker container to be able to perform automated commits within the container.
Add following line into your docker-compose.yml in services -> php-fpm -> volumes path:

- ~/.gitconfig:/home/www-data/.gitconfig

To perform a desired stage, run the following command in the php-fpm docker container and follow the instructions that you'll be asked in the console.

php bin/console monorepo:release <release-number> --stage <stage> --initial-branch <initial-branch> -v


  • The "release-number" argument is the desired tag you want to release. It should always follow the semantic versioning and start with the "v" prefix, e.g., v7.0.0.
  • The "initial-branch" argument is the name of branch the version has been built on e.g. 7.0.

If you want only to display a particular stage, along with the release worker class names, add the --dry-run argument:

php bin/console monorepo:release <release-number> --dry-run --stage <stage> --initial-branch <initial-branch> -v


Releasing a stage is a continuously running process, so do not exit your CLI if it is not necessary. If you need to stop the process, you can then use --resume-step <number-of-step> to resume the process from the desired step.