Web Vitals Improvements on Storefront¶
1 Reduce DOM size¶
This is probably the most time consuming part of our improvements. Math is pretty simple here. Bigger DOM size = higher blocking time (our worst metric). It also influences network traffic and from DX experience, it also brings more complex logic for work with styling. Besides one huge refactoring pull request it was taken care of in every other touched task.
1.1 Remove hidden elements from DOM¶
We can basically say elements which don’t require animation and can be hidden/displayed instead of hidden className be removed from or attached to DOM. The perfect case is refactoring filter groups.
On projects, they come most often in a closed state by default. Because of that, it is a perfect scenario for don’t attach them to the DOM in case they are collapsed.
<FilterGroupTitle title={title} isOpen={isGroupOpen} onClick={() => setIsGroupOpen(!isGroupOpen)} />
{isGroupOpen && (
minValue={minimalPrice || minPriceOption}
maxValue={maximalPrice || maxPriceOption}
The same logic was applied to the main menu (a popup which is being displayed after hover in case when the menu has some child categories). Commit here.
1.2 Passing className instead adding element¶
This is also a pretty usual case. When we want to attach some styling to the used component, we add a wrapper over it (usually div) and to this element, we add the required styling. Instead, you can refactor this component to merge default classNames with classNames from props and you can pass classNames to this component instead of the wrapper.
const CellHead: FC<CellProps> = ({ className, children, ...props }) => (
<Cell className={twMergeCustom('font-bold text-greyLight', className)} isHead {...props}>
2 Accessibility¶
This is a pretty big topic, especially in our case, where we are not taking care of the Accessibility topic at all. But those subtopics for this metric can influence SEO as well as other metrics. Because of this, we took care of multiple issues:
2.1 Heading semantics¶
We were still using the mindset from a WYSIWYG approach where users used headings just for styling purposes (bigger font size or bolder text). This is very bad practice. Headings are not meant for styling purposes. Rather, they are supposed to be used to highlight the importance of the content. See docs.
2.2 Add titles, labels and alts¶
This can be split into several parts:
- Inputs - If the input doesn’t have any associated label element, it’s still necessary to explain this input to the screen readers. Either add a label element for this input or put an aria-label prop to the input element with the proper description
- Links and Buttons - In case there is no text inside the Link or Button component (usually clickable icons for which is the description icon itself), screen readers need to know about the purpose of the action. Add title prop to those elements.
- Images - add alt description to every img element
3. Dynamic imports¶
Components which are not immediately displayed but rather they are shown after a user action, those can be lazy loaded with the dynamic function from Next.js. In order to save some traffic and javascript execution time. This also helps a lot with the issue with unused javascript.
const AddToCartPopup = dynamic(() =>
import('components/Blocks/Product/AddToCartPopup').then((component) => component.AddToCartPopup),
Then you can use the lazy loaded component as a regular component - most probably it will be included in some condition.
return (
{!!popupData && <AddToCartPopup onCloseCallback={() => setPopupData(undefined)} addedCartItem={popupData} />}
4. Images¶
4.1 Webp static images¶
From CDN, we should already get images in the format webP, but for static images, we don’t care much. Don’t forget to convert your images to webP format in order to get the best possible image optimization. Even better, use image compression afterwards as the next step.
4.2 Image specific width and height¶
Since the browser doesn’t know the dimensions of the image it can cause layout shifts (affects CLS - which is one of the most important metrics). Always specify width and height of the image. You can still adjust the size of the image by CSS.
export const IconImage: FC<IconImageProps> = ({ icon, height, width, ...props }) => {
return (
height={height !== undefined ? height : '24'}
width={width !== undefined ? width : '24'}
5. Scripts¶
5.1 Load scripts only when they are used¶
In our Storefront, there was only one case of loading a third-party script when it was not yet being used. This is the Packetery script for one of the delivery options. This is a perfect example of this idea. Why load this script on every page when it is not needed? Move the scripts which are needed for some part of your application as close as possible. Our Packetery script was moved from the root _app component (loaded on every page) to the second step of the cart (select delivery).
5.2 Load scripts with Script component¶
Next.js provides us with a Script component, which is bundled with a straightforward API which provides us a better way of how we work with the scripts and optimization at the same time. The most used feature you will probably use is loading strategy, which allows you to decide when a script should be loaded.
6. Refactor Icon component¶
This is not a generic improvement but specific to our project, where svg icons were used in a very bad way. We load all svg icons components and then select only one which we need. This is causing at least higher traffic.
In the first part of the refactoring, we refactored the Icon component to wrap the svg icon component, which is being passed to here through the prop.
In the second part of the refactoring, you can think about removing the Icon component completely and simply use directly the svg icon component where you need to use it.
7. Refactoring slider components¶
This refactoring was sort of experimental. It was about refactoring different kinds of sliders that we currently use.
One was refactoring the SimpleNavigation component, which is responsible for displaying slider on smaller viewports and regular list on regular and bigger viewports. This is used in several places where it is not required to control sliding behavior by buttons (just sliding on the screen). This was previously accomplished by the keen-slider library (Javascript solution). Now, it’s our own pure CSS solution.
Second was a more experimental solution for a specific use case. That place is ProductSlider. Which has also been freed from the keen-slider library and uses our simplified (yet limited) solution with a little bit of Javascript. This might not be an ideal solution for every project so we consider it as an alternative rather than replacement.
8. Refactor checkbox and radiobutton elements¶
As a styling solution for checkboxes and radiobuttons, we use a very old approach - images sprites - requiring a designer to paint their designs and then send it to the developer to implement them. It is one or more requests to download those images. Also, it has some delay in displaying the element itself (until an image is downloaded). Now, we have those elements designed with a CSS solution.
9. Fix console errors and warnings¶
We all know how easy it is to get used to errors and warnings in the console, right? But remember, somebody put the log there for some reason. As it may seem like "It's working, so why care..." it can still lead to some performance issues and cause problems.