Import Categories¶
Category import is one of the specific imports. Due to the tree structure, creating an ineffective script is really easy. This cookbook highlights some concepts and how to improve category import performance.
As an eshop owner, I want to import categories from an ERP system, so I don't need to edit categories in two places.
Let's presume we already have a working information system, and we are able to obtain the data we need. We can imagine it as a method with the following description for future reference.
public function getCategoryDataFromErp(): iterable {
// exact implementation is not important
// returns an iterable which each element looks like
// [
// 'uuid' => '1bb2dd5d-92e0-4263-8ca3-d63aee840c62',
// 'parent_uuid' => '3af3c39a-d4b0-4a59-9e36-2e5d54e7ca21',
// 'name_en' => 'Electronics',
// 'name_cs' => 'Elektronika',
// 'description_1' => 'Description of Electronics',
// 'description_2' => 'Description of Electronics in Czech',
// ];
The method returns data sorted exactly as they should be on the eshop, meaning a category with the same parent will be first if it comes first from the method.
And to make matters worse, ERP can only return all 10,000 categories.
First import¶
In this cookbook, we first write the code that's obvious but could be better, and as we progress, we improve the import to demonstrate the concepts and caveats of importing categories.
If you're not familiar with the concepts of creating data imports, take a look at the Basic data import cookbook
The main working loop is straightforward.
public function run(): void
foreach ($this->getCategoryDataFromErp() as $importData) {
* @param array{uuid: string, parent_uuid: string|null, name_en: string, name_cs: string, description_1: string, description_2: string} $importData
private function importCategory(array $importData): void
$categoryUuid = $importData['uuid'];
try {
$category = $this->categoryFacade->getByUuid($categoryUuid);
$categoryData = $this->categoryDataFactory->createFromCategory($category);
$categoryData = $this->mapImportDataToCategoryData($importData, $categoryData);
$category = $this->categoryFacade->edit($category->getId(), $categoryData);
} catch (CategoryNotFoundException $exception) {
$categoryData = $this->categoryDataFactory->create();
$categoryData = $this->mapImportDataToCategoryData($importData, $categoryData);
$category = $this->categoryFacade->create($categoryData);
* @param array{uuid: string, parent_uuid: string|null, name_en: string, name_cs: string, description_1: string, description_2: string} $importData
* @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Category\CategoryData $categoryData
* @return \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Category\CategoryData
private function mapImportDataToCategoryData(array $importData, CategoryData $categoryData): CategoryData
foreach ($this->domain->getAll() as $domainConfig) {
$locale = $domainConfig->getLocale();
$domainId = $domainConfig->getId();
$categoryData->name[$locale] = $importData['name_' . $locale];
$categoryData->descriptions[$domainId] = $importData['description_' . $domainId];
$categoryData->uuid = $importData['uuid'];
$categoryData->parent = $importData['parent_uuid'] ? $this->categoryFacade->getByUuid($importData['parent_uuid']) : null;
return $categoryData;
As you can see, we iterate over all categories obtained from the ERP and use the UUID field to connect categories from the ERP with categories on the shop.
(In your application, it can be some new field, for example, external_id
If a category is found on the shop, data are edited otherwise, the category is created.
This is merely a trivial example.
In a real project, you don't want to load all categories to memory but rather load them in batch or consider a different approach, for example, creating some queue to process data from.
So far, so good, so let's run this import.
The import will likely take much longer than we would like.
Import finished in 15 minutes and 30 seconds
Fix sorting¶
Our import works, but not exactly the way we want. Categories should be sorted by position in the source data, but right now, when the position of the categories on the same level changes, this change is not propagated. It's actually logical. The position is not set anywhere, and the relation to the parent holds no positional information.
Fix is pretty easy. All we need to do is to start sorting categories while importing.
private function importCategory(array $importData): void
// ...
+ $this->categoryRepository->persistAsLastChild($category);
+ $this->em->flush();
Import finished in 20 minutes and 10 seconds
Apart the increased import time, we also had to add two new dependencies, CategoryRepository
and EntityManager
Better way¶
One of the reasons why the import takes so long is the category tree structure. After each flush, the nested set is recalculated for the tree, which takes some time.
But we can edit data first and sort categories later. This should provide a noticeable performance improvement.
At first, we remove setting parent_id in the mapping method. We will do it differently.
private function mapImportDataToCategoryData(array $importData, CategoryData $categoryData): CategoryData
foreach ($this->domain->getAll() as $domainConfig) {
$locale = $domainConfig->getLocale();
$domainId = $domainConfig->getId();
$categoryData->name[$locale] = $importData['name_' . $locale];
$categoryData->descriptions[$domainId] = $importData['description_' . $domainId];
$categoryData->uuid = $importData['uuid'];
- $categoryData->parent = $importData['parent_uuid'] ? $this->categoryFacade->getByUuid($importData['parent_uuid']) : null;
return $categoryData;
Also, we don't need the code for sorting siblings, but we need to build the array representing the sorted adjacency list (relation to the parent).
private array $parentIdByCategoryId;
private function importCategory(array $importData): void
// ...
- $this->categoryRepository->persistAsLastChild($category);
- $this->em->flush();
+ $parentCategoryIdOrNull = $importData['parent_uuid'] ? $this->categoryFacade->getByUuid($importData['parent_uuid'])->getId(): null;
+ $this->parentIdByCategoryId[$category->getId()] = $parentCategoryIdOrNull;
As we don't change the parent and we don't sort the siblings, there's no reason to recalculate the tree, and the import is much faster.
Import finished in 7 minutes and 45 seconds
Bring back the sorting¶
Now we have all categories created or edited, and we have built the sorted array of IDs with related parent IDs.
+ use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Category\CategoryNestedSetCalculator;
public function run(): void
foreach ($this->getCategoryDataFromIs() as $importData) {
+ $categoriesSortingData = CategoryNestedSetCalculator::calculateNestedSetFromAdjacencyList($this->parentIdByCategoryId);
+ $this->categoryFacade->reorderByNestedSetValues($categoriesSortingData);
Import finished in 7 minutes and 50 seconds
Sometimes, it's better to create a specific DQL query to update the field you need instead of the whole load-edit routine.