GTM Event Objects¶
These objects represent all GTM events. They are composed of GtmEventInterface, GtmEventType, and the content of the event. Each event has a description of all its properties.
This interface is a generic type that includes an event of type EventType and the property _clear of boolean type. The remaining properties are of EventContent, a type argument through which one can extend this generic interface.
export type GtmEventInterface<EventType, EventContent> = {
event: EventType; // the type of the event
_clear: boolean; // lears the current data layer
} & EventContent; // additional properties of the event;
This type is used for page view tracking.
export type GtmPageViewEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.page_view, // the type of the event
language: string; // the current language of the domain
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
consent: GtmConsentInfoType; // information about user consent
page: GtmPageInfoType; // information about the viewed page
user: GtmUserInfoType; // information about the user
device: GtmDeviceTypes; // information about the user's device
cart: GtmCartInfoType | null; // information about the user's cart, if available
_isLoaded: boolean; // indicates if the page has finished loading
This type is used for consent update tracking.
export type GtmConsentUpdateEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.consent_update, // the type of the event
consent: GtmConsentInfoType; // information about user consent
This type is used for tracking both adding and removing cart items. (all are inherited)
export type GtmChangeCartItemEventType =
| GtmAddToCartEventType
| GtmRemoveFromCartEventType;
This type is used for tracking adding items to a cart. Keep in mind that adding does not need to mean the product has not been added before. It can also mean increasing the product's quantity.
export type GtmAddToCartEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.add_to_cart, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
listName: GtmProductListNameType; // the name of the product list from which the product was added
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the value of the added products without VAT (value of the event)
valueWithVat: number; // the value of the added products with VAT (value of the event)
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // information about the products added to the cart, if available
cart?: GtmCartInfoType | null; // information about the user's cart, if available
This type is used for tracking removing items from a cart.
export type GtmRemoveFromCartEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.remove_from_cart, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
listName: GtmProductListNameType; // the name of the product list from which the product was removed
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the value of the removed products without VAT (value of the event)
valueWithVat: number; // the value of the removed products with VAT (value of the event)
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // information about the products removed from the cart, if available
cart?: GtmCartInfoType | null; // information about the user's cart, if available
This type is used for tracking cart view events.
export type GtmCartViewEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.cart_view, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart without VAT
valueWithVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart with VAT
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // information about the products in the cart, if available
This type is used for tracking when a user views a list of products.
export type GtmProductListViewEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.product_list_view, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
listName: GtmProductListNameType; // the name of the product list
products: GtmListedProductType[] | undefined; // an array of product information objects for the listed products, if available
This type is used for tracking when a user clicks on a product and is redirected to product detail page.
export type GtmProductClickEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.product_click, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
listName: GtmProductListNameType; // the name of the product list where the product was clicked
products: GtmListedProductType[] | undefined; // an array containing a single object of product information object for the clicked product, if available
This type is used for tracking when a user views the details of a product.
export type GtmProductDetailViewEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.product_detail_view, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the price of the viewed product without VAT (value of the event)
valueWithVat: number; // the price of the viewed product with VAT (value of the event)
products: GtmProductInterface[] | undefined; // an array containing a single object of product information object for the viewed product, if available
This type tracks when a user views the payment and transport page.
export type GtmPaymentAndTransportPageViewEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.payment_and_transport_page_view, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the total value of the products in the cart without VAT
valueWithVat: number; // the total value of the products in the cart with VAT
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // an array of product information objects for the products in the cart, if available
This type is used for tracking when a user views autocomplete search results.
export type GtmAutocompleteResultsViewEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.autocomplete_results_view, // the type of the event
autocompleteResults: {
keyword: string; // the search keyword entered by the user
results: number; // the number of search results displayed to the user
sections: { [key in GtmSectionType]: number }; // an object that maps each section of search results to the number of results in that particular section
This type is used for tracking clicks on autocomplete results.
export type GtmAutocompleteResultClickEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.autocomplete_result_click, // the type of the event
autocompleteResultClick: {
section: GtmSectionType; // the section of the autocomplete results where the result was clicked
itemName: string; // the name of the item clicked on
keyword: string; // the search keyword used to generate the autocomplete results
This type is used for tracking changes to the transport option during checkout.
export type GtmTransportChangeEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.transport_change, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart without VAT
valueWithVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart with VAT
promoCodes: string[] | undefined; // an array of promo codes applied to the order, if any
paymentType: string | undefined; // the payment type selected by the user, if any
transportPriceWithoutVat: number; // the price of the transport without VAT
transportPriceWithVat: number; // the price of the transport with VAT
transportType: string; // the type of transport selected by the user
transportDetail: string; // any additional details about the transport selected by the user
transportExtra: string[]; // an array of any extra transport-related information provided by the user
products: GtmCartItemType[]; // information about the products in the cart
This type is used for tracking when a user views the contact information page during checkout.
export type GtmContactInformationPageViewEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.contact_information_page_view, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart without VAT
valueWithVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart with VAT
promoCodes: string[] | undefined; // an array of promo codes applied to the order, if any
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // information about the products in the cart, if available
This type is used for tracking changes to the payment option during checkout.
export type GtmPaymentChangeEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.payment_change, // the type of the event
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
valueWithoutVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart without VAT
valueWithVat: number; // the value of the products in the cart with VAT
promoCodes: string[] | undefined; // an array of promo codes applied to the order, if any
paymentType: string; // the payment type selected by the user
paymentPriceWithoutVat: number; // the price of the payment without VAT
paymentPriceWithVat: number; // the price of the payment with VAT
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // information about the products in the cart, if available
This type is used for tracking when a payment fails.
export type GtmPaymentFailEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.payment_fail, // the type of the event
paymentFail: {
id: string; // the ID of the order for which the payment failed
This type represents the order part of the GtmCreateOrderEventType. It is stored in local storage before redirecting to the payment gate if the user has chosen to pay using a payment that requires a redirect.
export type GtmCreateOrderEventOrderPartType = {
currencyCode: string; // the code of the currency used on the domain
id: string; // the ID of the order
valueWithoutVat: number; // the value of the products in the order without VAT
valueWithVat: number; // the value of the products in the order with VAT
vatAmount: number; // the total amount of VAT paid for the order
paymentPriceWithoutVat: number; // the price of the payment without VAT
paymentPriceWithVat: number; // the price of the payment with VAT
promoCodes: string[] | undefined; // any promo codes used for the order, if available
discountAmount: number | undefined; // the total amount of discounts applied to the order, if available
paymentType: string; // the type of payment used for the order
reviewConsents: GtmReviewConsentsType; // user's review consents
products: GtmCartItemType[] | undefined; // information about the products in the order, if available
This type represents the payment part of the GtmCreateOrderEventType. It is never stored in local storage, but always set when an order is created according to the current information about the payment.
export type GtmPurchaseEventPaymentPartType = {
isPaymentSuccessful: boolean | undefined; // whether the payment was successful or not, if available
This type is used for tracking when the user creates an order. It consists of the GtmCreateOrderEventOrderPartType, GtmPurchaseEventPaymentPartType, and GtmUserInfoType objects.
export type GtmCreateOrderEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.create_order, // the type of the event
ecommerce: GtmCreateOrderEventOrderPartType & GtmPurchaseEventPaymentPartType;
user: GtmUserInfoType
This type is used for tracking when a message is displayed to the user.
export type GtmShowMessageEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.show_message, // the type of the event
eventParameters: {
type: GtmMessageType; // the type of the message displayed
origin: GtmMessageOriginType | undefined; // the origin of the message, if available
detail: string | undefined; // any additional details about the message, if available
message: string; // the message displayed to the user
This type is used for tracking when the user submits a form.
export type GtmSendFormEventType = GtmEventInterface<
GtmEventType.send_form, // the type of the event
eventParameters: {
form: GtmFormType; // information about the form submitted by the user