Entity Extension

This article describes a quick way to extend your entity and the internals of the entity extension system implemented in Shopsys Platform.

How can I extend an entity?

  • Create a new entity in your src/Model directory that extends the already existing framework entity
    • some entities are already prepared out of the box
      • Administrator
      • Article
      • Brand
      • Category
      • Order
      • OrderItem
      • Payment
      • Product
      • Transport
      • User
    • keep entity and table annotations
    • you can add new properties and use annotations to configure ORM
  • Entities from namespace App\ extending entities from namespace Shopsys\ are automatically extended. If you want to extend from or to a different namespace, you need to add information about the entity extension into the container configuration
    • add it to the configuration parameter shopsys.entity_extension.map placed in config/parameters_common.yaml file
    • use the parent entity name as a key and the extended entity name as a value
    • e.g., MyVendor\MyLibrary\Model\Entity: App\Model\ExtendedEntity
  • Create a new data object in your src/Model directory that extends already existing framework entity data
  • Create a factory for this entity data that extends the existing framework factory
    • Rewrite Symfony configuration for the class to alias your factory
      • e.g.
    alias: App\Model\Product\ProductDataFactory
  • Now your extended entity is automatically used instead of the parent entity:
    • in hydrated Doctrine references
    • in the EntityManager, Repositories and QueryBuilders
    • in newly created entities
  • If you are running tests, update also \Tests\App\Functional\EntityExtension\EntityExtensionTest
    • add your extended entity into $entityExtensionMap in the setUp() method


To see how it works in practice, check out \Tests\App\Functional\EntityExtension\EntityExtensionTest that tests end-to-end extensibility of Product, Category and OrderItem.



OrderItem is a bit of a unique entity because it is not created from OrderItemData. It is created from different sources, like from product itself. All creations are done by Order entity only, where you can check that it really makes sense to not create the OrderItem from a data object.

If you need to extend the OrderItem by a new field, for example, an ID from an external system, you'll have to fill this field after the Order is created by a new public method on Order class. And then, if you'll need to be able to edit this field from the administration, you'll have to override the edit method of the Order entity and solve setting this new field there.

The other way of data - from OrderItem to OrderItemData is standard. So, if you extend OrderItem in a standard fashion, set a new field in the extended OrderItemDataFactory, then the OrderItemData object will contain the correct value from the OrderItem object.

Creating a new type of OrderItem is possible and does not cause problems because the new type is completely in your hands.

You can read about alternative solutions we considered and the reasons behind this approach in Entity Extension vs. Entity Generation.

Introduction into entity extensibility

Let's suppose that we are implementing the Dream project as a clone of the project-base repository. Dream project depends on the glass-box framework repository. The framework is, of course, independent of our Dream project.

Entities in the framework are full-featured themselves, and we want to extend them with our custom properties and associations. We achieve this via inheritance:

Dream project entities extend Framework entities

The dream project in the example above has extended entities Category and Product. An association with a custom entity, Dream Product Speciality was added to Product. CategoryDomain was not extended. This means that the extended Dream Category is associated with the original CategoryDomain.

Doctrine allows us to have only the original entity or the extended entity in the whole system. Both are not possible. So, everything has to be consistent for all associations, new objects, repositories, and query builders otherwise, Doctrine will fail.

How does it work?

The solution is based on Doctrine event subscribers and metadata manipulation.

It is important that the EntityExtensionParentMetadataCleanerEventSubscriber runs first and the EntityExtensionSubscriber runs last. Otherwise, a conflict with other subscribers modifying the metadata would occur.

The correct order of relevant Doctrine event subscribers:

EntityManagerDecorator is then responsible for using the extended entities instead of their parents in EntityManager, Repositories and QueryBuilders.


EntityExtensionSubscriber (which must be executed last) turns the parent entities into MappedSuperclass. It is better for the parent entities to be turned into MappedSuperclass before any other metadata manipulation is done. Along with this, it strips all metadata from the parent entities. This is basically to avoid other event subscribers to consider the parent entities to be real hydratable entities. The only real problem we encountered was Gedmo's TreeListener which is used for nested trees of Category entities.

This event subscriber also clears metadata about inheritance from parent entities because, in Doctrine, a MappedSuperclass entity cannot also be a root entity of true mapped inheritance.


This is the subscriber that extends entities. It turns the parent entities into MappedSuperclass and adds parents' metadata into the extended entities. Also, it replaces all associations with parent entities by extended entities. It must have low priority, so it runs after Gedmo and Prezent extensions. Gedmo and Prezent add their own mapping. Entity extension must be performed after all metadata are known.


The original EntityManager is decorated to use EntityNameResolver to resolve extended entities in relevant methods. Using inheritance for this purpose was specifically discouraged in the original class annotation. Decoration of this class requires the use of EntitiyManagerInterface as a type-hint instead of just EntityManager across the whole application.

It is also responsible for instantiating QueryBuilders and Repositories using the decorated EntityManager.


The original QueryBuilder is extended to use EntityNameResolver while adding new DQL parts. The overridden method add() is used in all other relevant methods, such as select(), from(), where() etc.


The sole responsibility of this class is to resolve extended entity names in any variable that is provided using an entity extension map. It replaces the parent entity name with the extended entity name in strings, arrays and object properties (even private ones using reflection).

The various capabilities of this resolver are best described in its unit test \Tests\FrameworkBundle\Unit\Component\EntityExtension\EntityNameResolverTest.


Entities are created by factories. If any part of the framework creates an entity, it uses a factory. So, in the project, we can change the factory to produce extended entities instead of the original, and the whole system will create extended entities. We enforce using factories by our coding standard sniff ObjectIsCreatedByFactorySniff.

The only exceptions are translation entities (named *Translation) and domain entities (named *Domain). They are created by their owner entity. If you need to extend the translation, you have to extend the owner entity as well and override the createTranslation method to produce the extended translation. Similarly, if you need to extend the domain-specific part, you have to override the createDomains method.

Data and DataFactories

Entity data are extended by inheritance. Since they are not persisted, there is no need to do anything like in the case of entities.

Entity data are created by factories only. These factories work in the same manner as the entity factories mentioned above. If any part of the framework creates an entity data, it uses a factory. So, in the project, we can change the factory to produce extended entity data instead of original and the whole system will create extended entity data.