B2B domain¶
This article describes functional behavior of a b2b domain. Article shortly summarizes B2B features.
Unique company number¶
- the user must enter the unique company number during the registration on domain
- the user must enter the unique company number during the edit of the company
Demo data¶
- on B2B domain, there are demo data for company with multiple customer users
- there are three roles on B2B domain: owner, user and limited user
- based on the role, the user can use different features
- the owner can add a new user to the company
- the owner can edit the user
- the owner can delete the user
- the owner can see the list of users
- the user can only edit his own profile, everything mentioned above is not possible
- both can manage delivery addresses
- the owner can see orders of all users, the user can see only his own orders
- the limited user can't see prices