How to Work with Money

Money is a very important concept for every e-commerce project. In Shopsys Platform, all monetary values (prices, account balances, discount amounts, price limits etc.) are represented by an instance of the Money class.

This approach has several advantages:

  • it avoids problems with floating point number calculations and comparisons (see official PHP documentation for details)
  • allows easy-to-use interfaces with consistent type-hinting so you can be sure what type of value you should be using
  • prevents accidental conversion to unexpected types (which may be problematic e.g., when using the === operator)
  • makes the application design clearer and future changes easier

Table of Contents:

General Concept

The money concept in Shopsys Platform represents and encapsulates monetary values with a decimal part, like 100, 0.50, 10.99, 0.0005, ...
Money is represented without currency.


Scale defines the precision of the decimal part and it can be a bit tricky.

Imagine you want to represent 1/3 (one third) in your application. In a float, it would be actually represented as 0.333333333333333314829616256247390992939472198486328125 because of the floating-point precision.

When you want to work with one third in terms of money, you have to specify the scale - the number of places after the decimal point that should be taken into account. So you can create a monetary value from 1/3 in the scale of 2 (0.33), or in the scale of 8 (0.33333333). But it will never be exactly one third as it is inexpressible using a finite decimal.

The money concept keeps the computation and comparisons precise up to the defined scale. E.g., if you have 1/3 with the scale of 4 (0.3333) and multiply it by 3 you'll get 0.9999, not 1. You can get around it using rounding.

The scale has to be specified during rounding, creating from floats and division.

Money Class

Money is an immutable value object.

It uses a decimal representation of the money amount and it does not contain any reference to the used currency. You can get the decimal representation as a string via the getAmount method.


If in doubt about the results of any method, you can take a look at its unit tests which contain many examples of the class' behavior.


Money can be constructed directly from integers and numeric strings as they are able to represent decimal numbers precisely: $tenDollars = Money::create(10), $oneAndHalfEuro = Money::create('1.50').

It may be also constructed from floating point numbers, but the scale (number of decimal places) must be explicitly specified: Money::createFromFloat($floatFromExternalSource, 2). The created value will be rounded to the provided scale.

Zero amount of money can be constructed by calling Money::zero().


To compute with monetary values you have to use the object's methods instead of arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /):

  • Money::add(Money $addend) : Money
  • Money::subtract(Money $subtrahend) : Money
  • Money::multiply(int|string $multiplier) : Money
  • Money::divide(int|string $divisor, int $scale) : Money


Money is immutable, which means that all these methods create a new object and the original is never modified.

For addition and subtraction, the other parameter has to be also a Money instance. For multiplication and division, the other parameter has to be an integer or a numeric string (as they are able to represent decimal numbers precisely), not a float.

The scale (number of decimal places) of the result is assigned automatically to all operations except division, keeping the results as precise as possible. Results of a division may be inexpressible with a finite decimal (e.g., 1 / 3 = 0.3333...), so it's up to the user to specify the requested scale.

  • scale of the result of add and subtract is the maximal scale of both money values
  • scale of the result of multiply is the sum of scales of both money values
  • scale of the result of divide must be explicitly specified, the last decimal place will be rounded to minimize the error


The scale of the money amount is always preserved - getAmount will use all decimal places of its scale (e.g., zero money with scale 6 would return 0.000000).


You may use Money::round(int $scale) : Money method that rounds the amount of money up to $scale decimal places, it rounds 0.5 away from zero (making 1.5 into 2 and -1.5 into -2). This behavior is consistent with PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP rounding mode, which is the default mode for the round function.

The scale of the result will always be equal to the provided $scale.


To compare two monetary values you have to use the object's methods instead of comparison operators:

  • Money::equals(Money $other) : bool instead of === and ==
  • Money::isLessThan(Money $other) : bool instead of <
  • Money::isGreaterThan(Money $other) : bool instead of >
  • Money::isLessThanOrEqualTo(Money $other) : bool instead of <=
  • Money::isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Money $other) : bool instead of >=
  • Money::compare(Money $other) : int instead of the Spaceship operator <=>

To compare a value with zero you may use the short-hand methodsisPositive, isNegative or isZero. A zero is considered neither positive nor negative.

All methods compare the amounts of both objects counting all decimal places.

Money in Forms

For the user input of monetary values use the MoneyType (see Symfony docs for details).

use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\MoneyType;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;

// ...

$orderItemFormBuilder->add('priceWithVat', MoneyType::class, [
    'scale' => 6,
    'constraints' => [
        new NotBlank(['message' => 'Please enter unit price with VAT']),

The form type is configured with a model data transformer that converts the value into a Money object automatically (NumericToMoneyTransformer). Thanks to this approach you can use Money in your data objects directly.

In Shopsys Platform, the default value of the currency option is false instead of EUR, hiding the currency symbol by default.


For non-monetary numeric values use NumberType (see Symfony docs for details).

Form Constraints

There are two form constraints to be used specifically with the MoneyType form fields. Because of model data transformation, you cannot use constraints that are validating scalar values (e.g., GreaterThan).


Validates that the amount of money is greater or equal to zero.

It has only the message option specifying the validation error message in case the entered value is negative. Specifying the validation message is optional, there is a default value.

use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Form\Constraints\NotNegativeMoneyAmount;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\MoneyType;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;

// ...

$priceTableFormBuilder->add($key, MoneyType::class, [
    'scale' => 6,
    'required' => true,
    'invalid_message' => 'Please enter price in correct format (a number with decimal separator)',
    'constraints' => [
        new NotBlank(['message' => 'Please enter price']),
        new NotNegativeMoneyAmount(['message' => 'Price must be greater or equal to zero']),


Similarly to the Symfony Range constraint, it validates that the amount of money is between some minimum and maximum.

It has four options:

  • min specifies the minimum value, has to be an instance of Money or null
  • max specifies the maximum value, has to be an instance of Money or null
  • minMessage specifies the validation error message in case the entered value is less than the min value
  • maxMessage specifies the validation error message in case the entered value is greater than the max value

At least one of the min and max options has to be provided for the constraint to make sense. Specifying the validation messages is optional, there are default values.

use Shopsys\FormTypesBundle\MultidomainType;
use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Money\Money;
use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Form\Constraints\MoneyRange;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\MoneyType;

// ...

$zboziFeedProductFormBuilder->add('cpc', MultidomainType::class, [
    'label' => $this->translator->trans('Maximum price per click'),
    'entry_type' => MoneyType::class,
    'required' => false,
    'entry_options' => [
        'currency' => 'CZK',
        'constraints' => [
            new MoneyRange([
                'min' => Money::create(1),
                'max' => Money::create(500),

Money in Twig Templates

Instances of the Money class cannot be directly converted to strings. To be able to display a monetary value in a template you should use one of the prepared Twig filters.

These filters can be used only with an instance of Money.


Filter price formats the amount of money in a localized manner, including the currency symbol. It uses basic frontend currency on the current domain and the current locale (language) to format it.

For example, one thousand Czech crowns would be rendered as "CZK1,000.00" on an English domain and as "1 000,00 Kč" on a Czech one.

The filter expects the value to be already rounded. If not, it will render the extra decimal places.

All price* Twig filters use this format. They usually differ only in the currency and locale they use.


Filter priceText formats the amount of money in a localized manner, similarly to the price filter. The only difference is that it outputs the text "Free" (or the corresponding translation) when zero amount of money is provided.


Filter priceTextWithCurrencyByCurrencyIdAndLocale can be used to format the amount of money in any currency and locale. It outputs the text "Free" when zero amount of money is provided.

The currency ID (int) and the locale (string) must be provided as parameters.


Filter priceWithCurrency can be used to format the amount of money in any currency. It uses the current locale (the locale of current domain or administration) to format it.

The currency (Currency entity) must be provided as a parameter.


It works similarly to priceWithCurrency, but it uses the default administration currency.

It has no parameters.


It works similarly to priceWithCurrency, but it uses currency ID instead of the Currency entity.

The currency ID (int) must be provided as a parameter.


It works similarly to priceWithCurrency, but it uses the basic frontend currency of the provided domain.

The domain ID (int) must be provided as a parameter.


Formats the amount of money as a decimal number without any currency symbol.

Three optional parameters can be provided:

  • number of decimal places - null by default (meaning all), it will round the value if necessary
  • decimal point character - "." by default
  • separator of thousands - "" by default
{# the "money" variable contains Money::create('1234.5670') #}

{{ money|moneyFormat }}                  {# renders "1234.5670" #}
{{ money|moneyFormat(0) }}               {# renders "1235" #}
{{ money|moneyFormat(2, ',') }}          {# renders "1234,57" #}
{{ money|moneyFormat(null, '.', ',') }}  {# renders "1,234.5670" #}

Money in Javascript

Money implements the JsonSerializable interface, which means it can be serialized into JSON format with json_encode into an object with the following structure:

    "amount": "1234.5670"

This format can be readily used in Javascript when JSON is rendered in Twig:

{# the "money" variable contains Money::create('1234.5670') #}

<div id="my-money" data-money="{{ money|json_encode }}"/>
(function ($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var money = $('#my-money').data('money');

        // Displays "1234.5670"

See the native Javascript method .toFixed() and the function parseFloat() to see how to convert between decimal strings and numbers.

Money in Doctrine

In Shopsys Platform, there is a custom Doctrine type money which can be used in similar fashion as decimal type. The entity property value will be automatically hydrated to an instance of Money if it's configured to use the type:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity
class MyEntity
     * @var \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Money\Money|null
     * @ORM\Column(type="money", precision=20, scale=6, nullable=true)
    protected $price;

    // ...

In Parameters

When you want to use a Money instance as a parameter in DQL, use the getAmount method in your repository class:

use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Money\Money;

// ...

$priceLimit = Money::create(1000);

/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder $builder */
$builder->setParameter('priceLimit', $priceLimit->getAmount());

In Function Results

Doctrine hydrates values to an instance of Money when selecting an entity property:

use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Order\Order;

/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em */
$result = $em->createQuery('SELECT o.totalPriceWithVat FROM ' . Order::class . ' o WHERE = :id')
    ->setParameter('id', 1)

// The result is automatically hydrated into Money
$money = $result['totalPriceWithVat'];

But when you're working with aggregate functions (such as MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), etc.) Doctrine cannot infer the type. In such a case, you have to convert the fetched decimal string into a Money instance yourself using Money::create():

use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Money\Money;
use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Order\Order;

/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em */
$result = $em->createQuery('SELECT AVG(o.totalPriceWithVat) AS averagePriceWithVat FROM ' . Order::class . ' o')

// The result of a function is a decimal string (e.g., '19590.772727272727') and it must be converted manually
$money = Money::create($result['averagePriceWithVat']);

Unit and Functional Tests

You should use Money for all monetary values even in tests.

Create the instances via Money::create(int|string) in your data providers or directly in your test methods if you don't use providers.

You can use a custom PHPUnit constraint IsMoneyEqual for an assertion that two monetary values are equal using the assertThat($value, Constraint $constraint) method.


use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Money\Money;
use Tests\FrameworkBundle\Test\IsMoneyEqual;
use Tests\App\Test\FunctionalTestCase;

class MyTest extends FunctionalTestCase
    // ...

     * @return array
    public static function customerLoyaltyCreditAmountProvider(): array
        return [
            [self::CUSTOMER_ID_WITHOUT_LOYALTY_CREDIT, Money::zero()],
            [self::CUSTOMER_ID_WITH_LOW_LOYALTY_CREDIT, Money::create('12.5')],
            [self::CUSTOMER_ID_WITH_HIGH_LOYALTY_CREDIT, Money::create(1000)],

     * @param int $customerId
     * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Money\Money $expectedCreditAmount
    public function testCustomerLoyaltyCreditAmount(int $customerId, Money $expectedCreditAmount) {
        $customer = $this->getCustomerFromDatabase($customerId);

        $creditAmount = $this->customerLoyaltyFacade->calculateCreditAmount($customer);

        $this->assertThat($creditAmount, new IsMoneyEqual($expectedCreditAmount));

Price Class

Price is also an immutable value object used in pricing.

It represents a price with and without VAT and is used in many parts of Shopsys Platform. Price calculation classes usually output instances of Price.

It can be constructed by calling new Price(Money $priceWithoutVat, Money $priceWithVat). For a zero price, you can use a short-hand method Price::zero().

The class has three getters you can use to retrieve the prices or the VAT amount:

  • Price::getPriceWithoutVat() : Money
  • Price::getPriceWithVat() : Money
  • Price::getVatAmount() : Money

And you can calculate with prices using its methods:

  • Price::add(Price $addend) : Price
  • Price::subtract(Price $subtrahend) : Price
  • Price::inverse() : Price