Adding a New Email Template

In this cookbook, we will add a new email template to alert the customer when his password is changed.

We want to send an email to the user when his password is reset. This email should be configurable in administration, and we should be able to personalize email – we want to be able to include the customer email and full name into the email.

New Mail class

The first step to creating a new email template is creating a class to create a MessageData object that can then be sent with Mailer.


namespace App\Component\Mail;

use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\MailTemplate;
use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\MessageData;
use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\MessageFactoryInterface;
use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\Setting\MailSetting;

class PasswordChangedMail implements MessageFactoryInterface
    // unique identifier of email template
    public const MAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME = 'password_changed';

     * @var \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Setting\Setting
    private $setting;

     * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Setting\Setting $setting
    public function __construct(Setting $setting)
        $this->setting = $setting;

     * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\MailTemplate $template
     * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Customer\User\CustomerUser $customerUser
     * @return \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\MessageData
    public function createMessage(MailTemplate $template, $customerUser): MessageData
        return new MessageData(
            $this->setting->getForDomain(MailSetting::MAIN_ADMIN_MAIL, $customerUser->getDomainId()),
            $this->setting->getForDomain(MailSetting::MAIN_ADMIN_MAIL_NAME, $customerUser->getDomainId())

Add new email template into data fixtures

We need to populate the database with some data to test the email template.
To do that, we can just create a new record in src/DataFixtures/Demo/MailTemplateDataFixture.php

// class App\DataFixtures\Demo\MailTemplateDataFixture

     * @param \Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager $manager
    public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
        $mailTemplateData = $this->mailTemplateDataFactory->create();
        $mailTemplateData->sendMail = true;

        foreach ($this->domain->getAll() as $domainConfig) {

            // ... already existing templates

+           $mailTemplateData->subject = t('Your password has changed');
+           $mailTemplateData->body = t('Dear {fullname},<br/><br/>
+           We wanted to let you know that your password has changed.
+           <br/><br/>
+           If you did not perform this action, you can recover access by entering {email} into the form at {password_reset_url}
+           <br/><br/>
+           Best regards
+           ', [], Translator::DATA_FIXTURES_TRANSLATION_DOMAIN, $locale);
+           $this->createMailTemplate($manager, PasswordChangedMail::MAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME, $mailTemplateData, $domainId);

You can see we used several variable placeholders in this template ({fullname}, {email}, and {password_reset_url}). Right now, they are treated as plain text. We will allow to replace them with real values in the next step.


In the example above, we translated the email subject and body.
Don't forget to dump translations.

Replacing variables with values

We want to be able to use several variables and replace them with real values when the email should be sent. To do that, we update the previously created PasswordChangedMail class.

First, we add constants representing each variable to be able to reference them in code.

 class PasswordChangedMail implements MessageFactoryInterface
     // unique identifier of email template
     public const MAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME = 'password_changed';

+    public const VARIABLE_FULLNAME = '{fullname}';
+    public const VARIABLE_EMAIL = '{email}';
+    public const VARIABLE_PASSWORD_RESET_URL = '{password_reset_url}';

Replacing variables is internally supported in the MessageData class in our PasswordChangedMail. We just need to pass an array of replacements (in the format {variable} => realValue).

// class App\Component\Mail\PasswordChangedMail

    // DomainRouterFactory is necessary to be able to generate a URL to reset the password form
+   /**
+    * @var \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Router\DomainRouterFactory
+    */
+   protected $domainRouterFactory;

     * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Setting\Setting $setting
+    * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Router\DomainRouterFactory $domainRouterFactory
-   public function __construct(Setting $setting)
+   public function __construct(Setting $setting, DomainRouterFactory $domainRouterFactory)
        $this->setting = $setting;
+       $this->domainRouterFactory = $domainRouterFactory;

    public function createMessage(MailTemplate $template, $customerUser): MessageData
        return new MessageData(
            $this->setting->getForDomain(MailSetting::MAIN_ADMIN_MAIL, $customerUser->getDomainId()),
            $this->setting->getForDomain(MailSetting::MAIN_ADMIN_MAIL_NAME, $customerUser->getDomainId())
+           $this->getBodyVariablesReplacements($customerUser),
+           $this->getSubjectVariablesReplacements($customerUser)

and corresponding methods can look like this

// class App\Component\Mail\PasswordChangedMail

    * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Customer\User\CustomerUser $customerUser
    * @return array
   private function getSubjectVariablesReplacements(CustomerUser $customerUser): array
       return [
           self::VARIABLE_FULLNAME => htmlspecialchars($customerUser->getFullName(), ENT_QUOTES),

    * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Customer\User\CustomerUser $customerUser
    * @return array
   private function getBodyVariablesReplacements(CustomerUser $customerUser): array
       $router = $this->domainRouterFactory->getRouter($customerUser->getDomainId());

       return [
           self::VARIABLE_FULLNAME => htmlspecialchars($customerUser->getFullName(), ENT_QUOTES),
           self::VARIABLE_EMAIL => htmlspecialchars($customerUser->getEmail(), ENT_QUOTES),
           self::VARIABLE_PASSWORD_RESET_URL => $router->generate('front_registration_reset_password', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),


In this example, we're intentionally replacing all defined variables in the email body, but in the subject, only the customer full name is replaced.


Replacements (real values) for the variables are, most of the time, some user-entered values.
It's crucial to escape these values properly!

Sending email

Now, when the template is stored in the database, and we are properly replacing variables, we are ready to send this email when the user enters a new password after the reset password process.

To simplify things, we add sending an email directly into CustomerPasswordController::setNewPasswordAction().
In your application, consider a better place.

// class App\Controller\Front\CustomerPasswordController

     * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+    * @param \App\Component\Mail\PasswordChangedMail $passwordChangedMail
+    * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\MailTemplateFacade $mailTemplateFacade
+    * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\Mailer $mailer
+    * @param \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\UploadedFile\UploadedFileFacade $uploadedFileFacade
+    * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
    public function setNewPasswordAction(
        Request $request,
+       PasswordChangedMail $passwordChangedMail,
+       MailTemplateFacade $mailTemplateFacade,
+       Mailer $mailer,
+       UploadedFileFacade $uploadedFileFacade
+   ) {

    // ...

        if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
            $formData = $form->getData();

            $newPassword = $formData['newPassword'];

            try {
                $customerUser = $this->customerUserPasswordFacade->setNewPassword($email, $this->domain->getId(), $hash, $newPassword);

+               $mailTemplate = $mailTemplateFacade->get(PasswordChangedMail::MAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME, $customerUser->getDomainId());
+               $messageData = $passwordChangedMail->createMessage($mailTemplate, $customerUser);
+               $messageData->attachments = $uploadedFileFacade->getUploadedFilesByEntity($mailTemplate);
+               $mailer->send($messageData);

And you need to register the previously created class PasswordChangedMail into your services.yaml file, as it should be autowired.

# config/services.yaml


    # ...

+   App\Component\Mail\PasswordChangedMail: ~

Go ahead and try to reset a customer's password. You will receive an email notification about the changed password for the account.

Make the mail template configurable in administration

One of the requirements was to be able to edit the template in administration. Let's make it possible.

Shopsys Platform made this task really easy.
You just need to define variables, their labels for the form, allowed usage, and whether they are required or not.

This configuration is made in PHP to ease translating values. We create a new provider class.


namespace App\Component\Mail;

use Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Mail\MailTemplateVariables;

class PasswordChangedMailTemplateVariablesProvider
    public function create(): MailTemplateVariables
        // first argument is Mail Template readable name
        $mailTemplateVariables = new MailTemplateVariables(t('Password was changed'));

            PasswordChangedMail::VARIABLE_EMAIL, // reuse already defined variable placeholders
            t('Customer email'), // readable name of the variable
            MailTemplateVariables::CONTEXT_BODY, // variable takes place in body only
            MailTemplateVariables::REQUIRED_BODY // variable is required in body

            t('Reset password link'),

        // by default, the variable is not required and can be used in both subject and body
            t('Customer full name')

        return $mailTemplateVariables;

Each variable is added with the addVariable(string $variable, string $label, $context, $required) method.

  • $variable is a variable placeholder
  • $label is a readable name to describe the meaning of the variable to the user
  • $context defines where the variable is applicable and can have one of these values:
    • MailTemplateVariables::CONTEXT_BOTH – variable can take place in the subject and body (default)
    • MailTemplateVariables::CONTEXT_BODY - variable can take place in the body only
    • MailTemplateVariables::CONTEXT_SUBJECT - variable can take place in the subject only
  • $required defines where the variable is required and can have one of these values:
    • MailTemplateVariables::REQUIRED_NOWHERE - variable is optional (default)
    • MailTemplateVariables::REQUIRED_BOTH - variable has to be present in the body and in the subject
    • MailTemplateVariables::REQUIRED_BODY - variable has to be present in the body
    • MailTemplateVariables::REQUIRED_SUBJECT - variable has to be present in the subject

When we have the variables ready, the last step is to register variables with the proper mail template.
This can be done in config/services.yaml file

        - method: addMailTemplateVariables
              - !php/const App\Component\Mail\PasswordChangedMail::MAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME
              - '@=service("App\\Component\\Mail\\PasswordChangedMailTemplateVariablesProvider").create()'


Now, in your database is a new email template, and an email from this template is sent to the user whenever he resets his password. This template can be easily changed from the administration.