Redis GraphQL cache

This cache is used for selected queries and is intended for server-side only. The goal is to improve the server-side performance of the Storefront.

How does it work

The cache is set via a graphql directive @redisCache, which accepts TTL in seconds.

The custom URQL fetcher tries to read the data from the cache, if it does not find it, it calls the API.

The cache can be deactivated (e.g. for development purposes) by setting GRAPHQL_REDIS_CACHE=0 in your .env.local file.

How to use it

To apply cache to a query, simply set the @redisCache directive on it.


query is not cached

query NavigationQuery {
    navigation {

query is cached for 1 hour

query NavigationQuery @redisCache(ttl: 3600) {
    navigation {