
For E2E testing, we use Cypress. Below you can read answers to some of the questions you might have.

How to structure your cypress folder?

e2e folder

This folder is where you should put your test suites and domain-specific helpers. These would be things related to a single part of the application you are testing, such as helper which only focus on authentication, cart, or order.

You should split your tests into domain-specific subfolders. This helps to balance the tests and make it clear what each test suite focuses on. Some examples are the aforementioned authentication, cart, or order. Other examples could be adding to cart.

  • e2e/
    • domainSpecificFunctionality/
      • domainSpecificFunctionalitySupport.ts

fixtures folder

Here you can put any static values and demodata you would need. This could be strings to fill in in inputs, things you would expect to find in a page, etc.

support folder

Here you can put various global helpers, such as custom cypress commands, or similar.


Here you should put all data test IDs used in the app. Having them in a single TS file which can be globally referenced is helpful for maintenance and keeping track of used or unused IDs.


Here you should put type definitions for your custom cypress commands which are defined using Cypress.Commands.add. This is necessary as otherwise cypress cannot infer the types.

snapshots folder

This is where all snapshots created using takeSnapshotAndCompare are stored. They are stored under the provided name (the name provided as a function parameter).

videos folder (uncommited)

This is were all videos from your tests are stored.

screenshots folder (uncommited)

This is were all screenshots from your tests are stored. They are not the same as the snapshots, as these are generated even when running your tests in base mode. However, they can be used to compare your snapshots with the given test run. They are also the images based on which the snapshot diffs are generated (diffs between snapshots and screenshots).

snapshotDiffs folder (uncommited)

This is where snapshot diffs are stored if a test fails because of visual regression.F

How to write tests?

General guidelines

Your tests should ideally test a small and isolated part of the application. For example, it is better to split the order process into multiple steps (adding to cart, adding a promo code, choosing transport, choosing payment, filling in personal information) and test each of them separately, rather then as a whole. This is because to test all combinations (adding products from multiple places, choosing different transports, etc.) by testing the entire order, we would have to have a very large amount of tests, where many things would be repeated unnecessarily. However, if we split them and test all variants of a partial step, we test all combinations implicitly.

To be more specific, you should group all tests for a specific part of the application in a single test suite using the describe method as seen below. Name it the same way your file is named.

Each test should be named in a way to describe what the test and the application should do. Below are some examples:

  • Should add a product to cart and check the cart
  • Should not be allowed to see transport options if cart is empty
  • Should login from header and then log out

In the beforeEach hook, you can run various preparation logic. There are also other hooks, which you can find in the cypress documentation. One of the specific things you might want to do is to reset the zustand storage by setting app-store as visible below. Another thing could be to visit a specific page, such as the cart page if all your tests only focus on that page.

describe('<Domain Specific Functionality> tests', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
        cy.window().then((win) => {
            win.localStorage.setItem('app-store', JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_APP_STORE));

    it('should do something', () => {

How to write a custom cypress command

If you want to add a custom cypress command using Cypress.Commands.add, which might be helpful if you want to define a command "the cypress way" and allow it to be chained with other commands, you need to add a similar entry in the /support/index.ts file. You will need to set its name and interface, together with the actual logic. In the end, you might need to return a suitable cypress object to allow for chaining.

Cypress.Commands.add('youCustomCommandName', (param1: string, param2: number) => {
    // the command logic

    // optionally return the cypress object if you want to chain it, for example by returning cy.get, or similar
    return cy.get(...);

Another thing is that you should modify cypress.d.ts, where you should put type definitions for your custom cypress commands which are defined using Cypress.Commands.add. This is necessary as otherwise cypress cannot infer the types.

Visual regression tests

Another important part of our cypress tests is visual regression. This allows us to make a full-page screenshot of the application at any point and compare it with a base screenshot every time the tests are run. This way you make sure that the app looks the same and that your changes did not break it visually.

For this purpose, the takeSnapshotAndCompare helper method can be used. You can use it multiple times in each test, just remember to provide the screenshot name, which will be used to store the snapshot under /snapshots.

it('should do something', () => {
    // do something
    // do something else

Remember this can be leveraged to make sure that an action does not change the UI by comparing to the same screenshot.

it('should do something', () => {
    // do something that should not change the UI

The takeSnapshotAndCompare helper method does several things. First it waits for 200ms for the UI to stabilize (animations to finish, etc.), then the device pixel ratio is changed, which is neccessary to standardize tests across different devices, then it takes a screenshot, and in the end it compares the screenshot to the base snapshot.

export const takeSnapshotAndCompare = (snapshotName: string) => {

You can set up the snapshot to take a full-page, runner, or a viewport screenshot. The most robust version is to test the full page, because then you know that the entire page is unchanged.

You can also set the comparison threshold. For example, the 0.02 threshold seen below means that 2% of the image pixels can change without the tests failing. This can be modified in any way necessary, but remember to keep a balance. The higher the threshold, the less false positives you will get, but the more differences and bugs can stay unnoticed. For example, if you have a page with order detail, where only the total price is wrong, if the page is large enough, the mistake in the price might be less than, for example, 2%. On the other hand, if you do not allow any differences (errorThreshold: 0), you might get some false positives, because of unnoticable differences.

    capture: 'fullPage',
    errorThreshold: 0.02,

How to run tests?

To make sure that the test runs are consistent, use the provided make commands located in Makefile in the project root. These commands run the tests using a separate dedicated storefront copy (storefront-cypress). Furthermore, the back-end application is set to a test environment with a dedicated database. Last, but not least, running it via docker makes sure that your OS does not influence the tests, which can happen, e.g. by font smoothing, which causes differences in visual regression tests.

There are two commands provided for you:

  • run-acceptance-tests-base: This command runs the tests and allows screenshot regeneration. This means that whatever your tests generate at that point will be considered the new base case. By running this, the tests will not fail because of visual differences, but might still fail because of the cypress tests failing themselves. Make sure to only run this once you are sure that your application behaves as expected. If you set the base to an invalid state, once it is fixed, your tests will start failing.
  • run-acceptance-tests-actual: This command runs the tests without allowing screenshot regeneration. This should be used most of the time if you want to check your application. This is also what should be used as part of CI. If this command fails because of visual differences, there will be screenshot diffs generated in a /snapshotDiffs folder. You can analyze them to see the differences which caused an issue.

How to update your test results?

As described above in the How to run tests? section, to update your screenshots, you can run the run-acceptance-tests-base make command. This way, all your screenshots which have changed will be regenerated and the new values will be stored in /snapshots.

How to debug failed tests?

  • You can view the videos in /videos to see where the test got stuck
  • You can view snapshot diffs in /snapshotDiffs if your tests fail because of visual differences, they should help you to spot the differences
  • You can log within your tests, though this is considerably harder than the methods above, as logging is not intuitive in cypress, however, you can read more in the official docs

How to work with dynamic data?

In situations when you work with dynamic data, such as store opening hours, or created order numbers, which might be different each time you run the tests, it is good to find a way how to make this data static in order for the tests results to be consistent.

There are generally two ways to work with dynamic data which you could want to modify in order to work on a consistend UI:

Modification of the incoming API request

This one is suitable for situations in which you have a client-side API request which you can intercept. This approach might be better, as it does not directly change the UI. For example, you can change the incoming order number to be 1234, and test if the UI does display this number, which should be consistent with how the actual application behaves. If, on the other hand, you directly modify the UI using cypress (hardcode a heading to display 1234), even if the logic of display the number is broken because of a bug, the UI will just show the number and your tests will not discover a bug related to data display. On the other hand, this approach with intercepting and modifying a request might be too complicated for some situations. Furthermore, it cannot be used (or in a very complicated manner) for SSR requests.

To intercept and modify an API request, you will need a code similar to the one below. There are no types provided, and the application types are by default not available in the cypress folder. Because of that, you will either have to ignore the types, or provide a pseudo support type.

You have to call this intercept before your API call is made to correctly catch it.

export const changeSomethingInApiResponses = () => {
    cy.intercept('POST', '/graphql/', (req) => {
        req.reply((response) => {
            if (response?.body?.data?.yourResponseObject?.someValue) {
       = 'your value override';

Modification of the UI

If you cannot use intercepting because of some of the aforementioned reasons, such as the call happening on SSR, or if your data inconsistency is not caused by API requests in the first place, you can still stabilize your screenshots by manually modifying the UI. Keep in mind that this should be done as the last resort, as it effectively means that the tests are not actually testing what the user sees, but rather your hardcoded data. If, however, you find this necessary in a given scenario, you can use the provided helper method changeElementText to change an element's text, or copy the approach to do any similar thing.

As for the changeElementText method, it by default expects to be called right after the page is loaded after SSR, which is the reason why we wait for 200ms, in order to surpass the React hydration error. If you call this method in a different setting, you can save yourself 200ms for every call by setting isRightAfterSSR to false.

export const changeElementText = (selector: TIDs, newText: string, isRightAfterSSR = true) => {
    if (isRightAfterSSR) {
    cy.getByTID([selector]).then((element) => {